One day I realized that I didn't feel well. I felt like there was a stone hanging on my neck, dragging me down, and that I was drowning. My energy was heavy, I was getting tired very often, and soon enough didn't want to do much with my life.

At that time, I was in a relationship with a man. He was a nice guy - he always tried to help me, he'd bring me food, help me with hosting parties, bought me flowers, wrote cards for me often, gave me lots of attention, opened car doors for me - everything seemed to be perfect, but my state of mind was in the clouds, and none of that mattered. I did not understand why I didn't feel the love the world was offering me. I started to look for help and found Vila.

She started working on the cause of my sluggishness. We went through many different aspects of my life during this time, my health and every possible situation and outcome I had or could have had with my boyfriend - with him and without him.

After a few sessions, everything started to open up like a flower and things made sense. It became clear that my boyfriend caused it at the time. I couldn't see the red flags in him because I learned that I didn't love myself. I didn't know how to love myself.

Vila taught me how to love myself and my inner child. It took some work and it was well worth it every second. I was finally happy, started feeling incredible about myself, and Vila was the one to teach me how to be self-sufficient, love myself, empower myself, and not need to rely on others to be satisfied.

Thank you, Vila, for entering my life. I wouldn't have this positive outlook on life today without your help and guidance.



